Message to Current RevenueVision® Customers, from the President – Summer 2015

Well, another summer break has to come to a close.  If your students have not already returned, I know that it’s only a matter of days before the new academic year begins.  This is an exciting time for all of our RevenueVision® customers.  New students, new operations, and new ideas.  All of these point to the excitement this future academic year may hold.  To that end, I would like to solicit your help. Our team is very interested in learning  more about your goals and priorities in the coming academic year in order to best help you achieve those goals through the use of RevenueVision®.  Often, the very best ideas for future development and enhanced features have typically come from our clients.  Additionally, because RevenueVision® has broadened its footprint beyond auxiliary services on several campuses, to include such areas as procurement, IT, facilities, real estate, risk management and more, we would welcome input from any and all of these user groups.

We’re proud of the innovation inherent in RevenueVision®.  The creative deployments that we’ve seen on many campuses are terrific testimonials to the potential that lies ahead.    Our objective is to maintain a proactive position in future enhancements to help us deliver a solution that can drive even greater results for our clients.  We’d love  to hear your thoughts and ideas as to how we can achieve this goal.  Please feel free to call or email me directly at Tom.Strange@TheSolutionDesignGroup,com. Alternatively, you can certainly reach out to any of the members of our Client Services Team.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!
